Hooray! We just started our Official YouTube Channel!

 Find out what took us so long for our YouTube channel to be created and what video editing software that we're using to create our first video!

Surprised? Yes, it has been almost 11 years since we started this business and never created a single YouTube video for it until today. Well, we believe it's still not too late since MTN Web Store and CloudWorms PDF Viewers are still new in the market anyway. But yeah, a unique digital marketing concept like MTN Web Store and CloudWorms PDF Viewers truly requires a good video that can make it easier to understand by many, otherwise it can be very difficult for someone to comprehend it and value it, not to mention about being able to see the whole picture of it.

In the past, we never thought of creating videos for MTN and its old Classic I'MTP service because:
  1. Our SEO alone was extremely good enough to drive awareness to the training community in Malaysia.
  2. It was a simple online marketing concept that everyone can understand: Give us your course contents and we'll publish them on our website for you!
  3. In the year 2011, YouTube promotional videos were still not as hot and highly demanded as in today. It wasn't really a key online marketing factor that every marketer should implement.
But as we move on to a more competitive digital era, together with a more highly evolved sophisticated service model like MTN Web Store and CloudWorms PDF Viewers, a video illustration that is capable of simplifying the explanation has become a necessity.

What video editing app that we're using for our first video

But to me, for our kind of business model in particular, being able to simplify the explanation is still not enough -- you still need to take care of your professional image as well. With my level of English, writing a relatively good blog is okay, but for it to verbally convince the general public with various level of expectation, may be not. Therefore, I thought of a solution: The Text to Speech technology.

There are some video editing apps that come with text to speech feature, but in my opinion, not as easy to incorporate into the video as what Clipchamp can offer -- a free video editing app by Microsoft.

On 7 September 2021, Microsoft announced that they acquired Clipchamp to empower video creators. At that moment, they only offered up to 480p video quality for the free package. After having so much noise from the community, they increased up to 1080p, which is considered fair enough.

Although pretty easy to use, it took us two weeks full day to create our first video. But this could be due to the learning curves and the effects that we wanted it to be. We believe the future creations of our videos will be much faster than before.

We hope you like the video, and you should have a much clearer understanding on what CloudWorms PDF Viewers can do for you by now. We believe the idea of CloudWorms PDF Viewer together with the MTN Web Store will bring everyone a much powerful digital marketing platform in the months to come. We'll definitely create more videos along the way for every monthly product updates. Be sure to subscribe to our new YouTube channel for more future updates!